In this tutorial, I will show you How to Manually Install WordPress from cPanel. WordPress is a free and open-source CMS (Content Management System) written in PHP language and associated with a Database (MySQL or MariaDB). We can have manual features like plugin architecture and a template system, which is also known as Theme referred to within WordPress.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is one of the most popular website builders/CMS in the world. In addition, 35% of websites on the Internet are created with WordPress. It is a widely used CMS because it is easier to use, it automatically gets positive points, and it becomes the easiest and fastest CMS to easily create a website in a few minutes.
All excellent hosting service providers provide simple one-click installation/settings for WordPress. Once you are familiar with cPanel and database management, you can install WordPress in a few minutes.
Things You Need Before Installing WordPress
- A Domain Name
- A good Hosting Provider
- Domain name pointed to your hosting Nameservers.
How to Manually Install WordPress from cPanel
As we all know, cPanel is a very popular software used by many hosting companies. Provide owners with a simple web interface to manage their hosting/content account. It also comes with some quick installation scripts, such as WordPress, which makes the installation process easy for beginners. We will show you how to install WordPress using an automatic installer and manually using an FTP account.
Installing WordPress using Softaculous/Script
Softaculous is a very popular automatic installation script. It allows you to easily introduce well-known web applications such as WordPress with just a few snapshots. Most hosting services come with a Softaculous installer. All you need to do is log in to your cPanel account and look for the Softaculous or WordPress installer icon on your dashboard, as shown in the image below.

Click the icon of WordPress as shown on the upper image then the installer like this will open.
After this click on install now and a page like this will appear.

Choose your domain name here, then enter the domain name you want to install WordPress, and then fill in your site information, such as name and description, don’t worry; you can also manage it from your WP dashboard later.
Fill in your admin info for your website back-end panel access.
Now click on install by filling your email then you are good to go.
It will show the process of installation. Please don’t close that page while it is running.
Then, you will receive an email about the completion of the WordPress site installation, which contains the login URL. The username and password will be what you entered during the installation process.
Install WordPress Manually
- At first, login to your cPanel and add the domain where you want to install your WordPress site.
- Then go to file manager from your cPanel dashboard
- Go to your file directory of that domain and upload the zip file of WordPress
- You can download the latest zip file of WordPress from here
- Upload to your domain directory and extract there.
- And move to your domain main page directory out of the WordPress folder.
- You can delete that zip file and WordPress folder after moving out your files.
Next, we need a database to connect and save the files of the WordPress website. To create a database, just go to your cPanel control panel and find the MySQL database and click there.
Then create a database and create a user and map that user to that Database and give all permission.
Then go to your domain name/ site then you will see the installation page.
So Continue your setup first.
Then fill in your Database name and Database username and password, which you have created from MySQL, then submit.
After that, run the installation.
Fill up your Site Title, Username and Password, and admin Email, and you can modify this later also from the WP panel. Fill in all the info and click install WordPress.
Now the setup is done successfully. Now you can directly access your WP panel by clicking through the login, or you can access it from This is the default gateway to your WP admin panel.
So here in this article, I have taught you How to Manually Install WordPress from cPanel by using WordPress using Softaculous/Script and by installing WordPress Manually. So if this article helps you, then make you’re to share it with your friends who want to know about WordPress installation. Thankyou soo much for visiting ThatsMyApk.